Why the Hospitality Business Needs to Install Google Chromecast

Staying in a hotel room requires much more than cable or satellite TV. Television watching has become so personalized that guests want to watch the series, movies, and documentaries they like rather than what each hotel is offering.

Netflix, Disney Plus, Hulu, Amazon Prime: people watching these at home want to keep watching in their hotel room. There is a reason why the expression home-from-home was coined.

Hotel managers need to adapt to what their guests demand or they will lose their customers to the competition. Increasing numbers of large hotel chains and smaller hotels and resorts have invested in streaming technologies that allow guests to stream from their smartphone or tablet directly to the hotel television. The Marriot hotel chain, for example, has been offering Netflix to its hotel guests since 2015.

It is time for all hotels and resorts to provide their guests with the most up-to-date streaming technology available. Enter Google Chromecast, the new way to make the connection between the guest phone and hotel TV as seamless and smooth as possible.

What is Google Chromecast?

Google Chromecast is a media player device that is plugged into each TV in your guests’ rooms.

Tablets, smartphones, and even laptops can connect to the device and start streaming directly onto the hotel TV. Guests can cast content from apps like Sling TV and YouTube. They can also stream music, photos, and videos, from their mobile devices to the hotel room TV without ever having to enter credentials.

Guests use their phone, tablet, or laptop as a remote control to choose the show they want to watch on the hotel’s TV.



Chromecast’s Benefits

While Chromecast’s appeal to hotel guests is obvious, it also offers multiple benefits to hotel owners.

Chromecast Can’t Be Stolen

The Chromecast device designed for hotels is locked into place in a special casing, and can only be removed with a special key. The device can also be securely mounted on a wall, with the proper installation.

That makes it nearly impossible for guests to steal it.

Continuous Connection

The connection is continuous and your guests don’t have to input their passwords into any device, nor do they need to log in.

Also, hospitality-certified Chromecast devices make sure there is no interference between rooms.

Chromecast Allows Multiple Devices to Connect

Guests can connect multiple devices on Chromecast. This provides them with plenty of freedom and lots of choices.

Phone Usability Remains

While guests are using their smartphone to watch a movie, they can continue using it as a phone to make and receive phone calls and texts. Chromecast doesn’t interfere with their smartphone usability.

Chromecast Uses the Wi-Fi connection Rather than Mobile Data

Crucially, guests don’t use their mobile data for streaming. Instead, Chromecast can use the hotel’s Wi-Fi. As a result, they don’t have to worry about an unwelcome surprise at the end of the month for the data they will have streamed!

Why Should I Install Chromecast in My Hotel?

Installing Chromecast will upgrade your guests’ experience in your hotel and help them enjoy their stay more.

As every hotel owner knows, people’s expectations have increased. They now expect the same comforts they have at home while they stay at your hotel or resort. No surprise, then, that technology is a large part of the hospitality business.

No matter how large and bright the room is or how lavishly the bathroom is equipped, guests will become frustrated and disappointed if have no Wi-Fi and streaming services. For most guests, these are as essential as a bed and a bathroom.

By installing Chromecast in rooms, hotel managers can upgrade their guests’ experience at a small cost and ensure both the coveted positive reviews—and that guests will return to their hotel.

Given how competitive the hospitality business is, hotels need to be on the cutting edge of technology.

To get your free quote, contact us online, email us, or call now 913-721-3474 to offer your guests a smooth and enjoyable experience to remember and come back to!